The ranking of the second season "Mandalortz" is inferior to "boys" and "very strange affairs"


The first episode of the second season of the series "Mandalorets" came out on the cutting service disney + October 30. Despite the huge fanbase of cosmic western, the ratings of the starting episode of the season were for Disney bosses disappointing.

The share of the appearance of the episode called "Chapter 9: Marshal", amounted to 5.7% of the total number of visits to streaming services last weekend, transmits the CBR edition with reference to the reelgood streaming aggregator. The series bypassed in this indicator of the Queen's Structure with Anne Taylor Joy from Netflix (4.3% of Streakhov) and its own start of the first season (4.4%), nevertheless to the leaders of this year, the series "Guys" and " Very strange things, "" Mandalorets "did not reach out.

And if the first episode of the fourth season of "very strange affairs" surpassed Disney Hit for only one tenth of the percent (5.8% against 5.7%), then with "guys" it turned out to compete much more difficult. The second season of web comic was launched on September 4 at the service of Amazon Prime Video, the second season of web comic was able to delay 7.2% of all the streams in his slot.

Meanwhile, the new season "Mandalortz" just started, immediately bringing fans as the series and the "Star Wars" universe as a whole surprise represented by the fetta beans, played by Tehomera Morrison. And ahead, according to rumors, the appearance of Asoki Tano performed by Rosario Dawson, which the fans of the cosmic franchise are waiting with particular impatience. Therefore, the chances of getting around competitors from the project is quite high.

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