The fans of Johnny Depp announced the War Amber Herd in social networks: "You pay for it"


Johnny Depp's fans began the online persecution of his ex-wife Amber Herd, after it became known that Depp lost a claim for slander in the Supreme Court. Haters threatened actress accounts in social networks threats and unkind wishes.

"I hope you will burn in hell," "You will pay for it," "Johnny deserves the best", "I hope that Herd will beat the bus", "If your mother had seen what you are doing, she would be glad to die," - Leave brutal comments Users network.

The 34-year-old actress regularly faces attacks of ill-wishers since the first time he stated that the 57-year-old Depp beat it during their livelihood. Close Ember assure that she tried to cope with the attacks of actor aggression and not raise the noise.

In the documents that the actress submitted to the court in August, it contains a statement that its ex-spouse "headed by a professional trolling campaign" against her and even arranged that she "tone in these online attacks" the whole period of consideration of their case Domestic violence at the Supreme Court of London. She also claimed that the actor and his former lawyer tried to "intimidate her and harm."

By the way, after Losses, Depp intends to appeal the court decision.

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