Johnny Depp sued An Amber Herd, accusing a former wife in violence


The Hollywood actor, whom the Amber accused of cruel relations, said that his ex-spouse lies about this fact, and he also had an aggressor in their pair. In May 2016, Herd said that after the celebration of her 30th anniversary of Johnny struck her by the phone, but Depp claims that everything was the opposite. The actor stated that he was sober, lay on the couch with a book, and his wife hit him twice by the phone, after which he got up, pushed her away and left the house. It is surprising that after that, at the court session, the Ember appeared with a bruise on his face.

Hoard has already managed to familiarize himself with the charges of the former spouse and gave a comment by People magazine: "It is enough to read his interview to assess the spiritual state of this man. There were few lawsuits for him, including for an attack on the filmmaker's filmmaker "City of Lie". Think yourself who is cruel here.

But Johnny does not give up. He sueded not only on the Ember, but also on the Sun tabloid, who described the whole story from the words of the former wife. Depp requires more than 200,000 pounds of sterling for moral damage.

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