Johnny Depp will pay ex-spouse twice


The fact is that this week Johnny Depp has already translated the first part of the money in the American Union of Civil Freeding and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, bypassing the bank accounts of the ex-spouse, that is, the Star of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, made deductions to those organizations about which Herd spoke himself.

Earlier, Herd promised to direct all the money received from divorce into the American Union of Civil Freeding (ACLU) and the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Each of the organizations should receive $ 3.5 million. The Ember team considered this step of Depp and his lawyers to another cunning. "If Johnny wants to make changes to the settlement agreement, we will insist that it pays $ 14 million, 7 of which the Ember will go, and the rest, if he wants so much, for charity. Amber sama will decide where to send his funds. We also insist that the whole amount is paid immediately, and not delayed for many years. All these movements of Johnny Depp and his lawyers are only a praid attempt to reduce the real payment of their client under the maimed care of children than he never did, "the lawyers of Hurd.

The fact is that if Johnny will transfer money to charity itself, he will reduce taxes by law. As a result, Depp will spend much less than 7 million. In addition, the artist is not going to transfer the amount entirely, but wants to break it into several stages. These factors did not suit Herd and her team.

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