Johnny Depp offered Amber Herd an alimony of $ 50,000 per month


The proposal of lawyers Johnny Depp provides for an alimony of $ 50,000, which the actor had to pay his former spouse every month for 8 months - thus, the corresponding ember would receive about a quarter of a million dollars. But in the sentence there was another detail - a mutual judicial ban on finding spouses next to each other.

This is the detail and forced Herd to reject the proposal about Aliments - the actress believes that the legal ban should concern only Depp, because it is in this situation - the victim of domestic violence, and he is leading.

It also turned out that lawyers Amber, who repeatedly stated that was not interested in the money of the spouse, 3 days before the information about domestic violence was sent by Deple on behalf of the actress. In this message, she demanded an alimony from the spouse, the right to use their shared Range Rover car, the transfer of documents to it on the Los Angeles Penthouse and another $ 100,000 to pay for the services of lawyers. Now it is assumed that Amber Herd and her lawyers chose a strategy in the style of "either pay, or we will go to court and make your name in the mud with all these accusations." However, the actress itself has already stated that such letters are a "standard procedure" in the marriage processes.

Fortunately for us and unfortunately for tabloids, all this hype will end quite soon, when, on June 17, Amber Herd and Johnny Depp are officially divided by the court.

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