Johnny Depp beat Amber Herd: new details of the scandalous story


"Obviously, he has no idea what he did," the Amber writes. - Or does not understand all the seriousness of what he did. If someone tells him in detail about how terrible he did, he will be shocked. I am very sorry that in a different way he cannot understand the seriousness of his yesterday's actions. But I, unfortunately, remember every detail of what happened. "

"He was shocked," said Stephen allegedly. "When I said that he beat you, he was crying." It was disgusting. And he knows about it. I was not with him when he sent you those two messages. He read them me, and I said that it was not worth it to send. Then he sent the third, and then sat on the bed and sharpened again. He is like a little lost boy. And needs serious help. It is very repent, as it should be. "

"He has repeatedly done it," Amber writes in response. - In Tokyo, on the island, in London (remember?). And I always stay. Each time I believe that it will change ... But every three months I again find yourself in the same situation. "

It is not yet clear whether these messages really are real. Recall that on May 22, Amber Herd filed a divorce with Johnny Depp after 15 months of marriage. Later, the actress appealed to the police with a statement in which he blamed Depp in multiple handscript.

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