Adele lives in the house with ghosts


Why the singer rented such a huge house, given that she planned to live in the same single room - it is incomprehensible. However, it has recently appeared information that after moving Adele began to be afraid to fall asleep alone. She believes that the house is inhabited by ghosts.

She gave about it to her friends, saying that the house began to make horror into her after she had heard uncertain sounds at night. The singer even insisted that her bodyguard moved to her and was nearby around the clock, for which she agreed to pay 100 thousand pounds per year. In addition, she hired two security officers to protect a plot of 25 acres. It is necessary to consider that there was a female monastery in this place.

"Adele was so excited after rented such a luxurious mansion, but it turned out not so cool as she believed," the singer said. - She is sure that the ghosts live in the house. She knows about the history of this place, and she is not very comfortable in the night. "

Earlier, Adel shared with the leading show "60 minutes" Anderson Cooper, that the house, and especially long dark corridors, remind her about the film "Light". Cute house, you will not say anything!

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