"Group arrest": Sobchak's subscribers ridiculous photos with police


The other day Ksenia Sobchak published a fresh snapshot in his microblog, which shocked the public.

The star once again decided to return to the mouth, therefore made a photo session with the police. Guardies of the order were kept leading, and she at this time in a miniature brilliant dress and brilliant shoes sat on a chair. At the same time, the spouse of Konstantin Bogomolov appeared in all its glory: made a bright makeup and luxurious laying.

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"And how are you doing? All gifts packed? " - asked the celebrity from his fans. She also decided to find out if they watched the latest release of the program "Caution, News".

Fans did not expect to see Ksenia Anatolyevna in a similar photo shoot and even ridiculously leading for such an extravagant act.

"Group arrest", "Keep it, I will come now," "I remembered the blonde in chocolate," "Like violence?" - Posted in the comments network users.

Others noted that the journalist looks great in the photo. "You are so sexy, ksyusha", "Ksenia Anatolyevna, you fire", "awesome."

Someone even compared her with his wife's famous football player. "It seemed that this was Masha Pogrebnyak," said Follovier.

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