Insider: "Brad Pitt apologized to Jennifer Aniston"


Last week, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston called Furore, appearing together at the Sag Awards 2020 presentation ceremony. During the star, the star was not contacted, but behind the scenes struck the public with a touching scene with hugs. It was the first case for many years, when Pitt and Aniston "reunited" in humans. Over these days, the actors have become one of the most discussed show business events.



Recently, a source from the environment of the couple told the magazine ET that Brad and Aniston forgave the past resentment for each other. In particular, Pitt apologized to the former mistakes in relationships with her.

Brad became a sober-minded person and changed a lot since they met. He managed to look into his senses and spend his job on himself. He apologized to Jennifer for his "shoals" in relationships. Recognized mistakes and took responsibility for his actions. This changed their today's relationship. They both greatly grew up

- Insider shared.


By the way about sober: Recently, Pitt said that after a divorce with Angelina, Jolie was addicted to alcohol. So much that it became a problem. The actor admitted that Bradley Cooper helped him with addiction, which also overcame alcoholism at one time. Pitt a year and a half consisted in the society of anonymous alcoholics, and now happy that threw a drink, and says that every day his life becomes better.

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