"Eternal values ​​are not a crystal": Sobchak criticized for the love of expensive baubles


TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak boasted a luxurious atmosphere in the house. According to her, only major brands can create "eternal values."

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Мой дом должен быть не просто уютным, но и очень модным –Gucci Décor, Hermes, Etro Home, Richard Ginori, Frette и множество других брендов- фарфор, хрусталь, текстиль, предметы интерьера и мебели в @boscocasa в Петровском Пассаже. Такие вечные ценности в доме - лучший подарок, который вы можете сделать себе и своим близким. Wearing: Max Mara total look #bosco #boscocasa #boscodiciliegi @passage.bosco @bosco_di_ciliegi @boscocasa

Публикация от Ксения Собчак (@xenia_sobchak)

Sobchak admitted that he feels uncomfortable without expensive things. And this applies not only to clothing and shoes, but also household items. Teediews like only luxury textiles and dishes, and at home she tries to surround himself with such things.

"My home should be not just cozy, but also very fashionable: Gucci Décor, Hermes, Etro Home, Richard Ginori, Frette and many other brands. Porcelain, crystal, textiles, interior items and furniture ... Such eternal values ​​in the house are the best gift that you can make yourself and your loved ones, "wrote Ksenia in a personal blog.

By the post, she attached a photo taken at home. Sobchak posed against the background of a wardrobe with dishes and a black screen with painting from multicolored stars.

Ksenia picked up for a photo session a fashionable outfit in the style of Total Black. She put on a long velvet dress with a smell effect, finished by atlas. Black stockings and half boots on a stable heel emphasized the slender legs of the finest.

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Работа нон-стоп, но я успеваю быть в тренде (спасибо @restore_ru за супер оперативную доставку!). Мой iPhone 12Pro уже четыре дня как радует меня. Делюсь впечатлениями: мегаудобный в руках и в новом тихоокеанском цвете. Все, технообзор закончен :)) И, если вы еще не познакомились с новым поколением, ссылку для вас оставила в сторис - в re:Store покажут, расскажут, научат как надо. Расскажите, вы планируете обновить свой телефон на новый, делаете это ежегодно или реже? #PROудовольствия #12PRO_RESTORE #направахрекламы

Публикация от Ксения Собчак (@xenia_sobchak)

Many fans liked Sobchak outfit. But the majority spoke on her post, reminding that the eternal values ​​are not called at all, no matter how expensive they were.

"Eternal values ​​in the house is not a crystal. Like the most valuable things in life are not things, "the main values ​​are brains and money that the person will earn", "the meshness post", "Eternal value in the house - only the favorite people", "Money is not all those, Like you, "the users of the social network indignant.

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