Brad Pitt told why he did not work with Leonardo Dicaprio before


"The fact is that I was discharged for a forbidden judicial order, I could not approach him. One incident happened in the 94th year, which we do not like to remember, "Brad Pitt missed when they were asked why their joint work with DiCaprio had to wait so long.

Brad Pitt told why he did not work with Leonardo Dicaprio before 157446_1

Brad Pitt told why he did not work with Leonardo Dicaprio before 157446_2

Brad Pitt told why he did not work with Leonardo Dicaprio before 157446_3

However, judging by the enthusiastic reviews of DiCaprio about Brad Pitte, the star "Titanic" has long dreamed of playing with him. On the global premiere "Once in Hollywood", which was held in Los Angeles last Monday, he highly appreciated the creative and personal qualities of colleagues. "He is not only incredibly talented, it is also very easy to work with it. He radiated the energy that we both needed. Our heroes are well oriented in Los Angeles, dealt with the film industry, and their relationships from professional are gradually turning into related, "said Leo.

Brad Pitt told why he did not work with Leonardo Dicaprio before 157446_4

Recall that the plot of the film is built around the star Western and his dubler, living next to the infamous actress Sharon Tate. In the Russian rental "Once in Hollywood" will be released on August 8th.

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