Brad Pitt refused to shoot in the Sequel "World War Z" and other projects for children


The last months of Angelina Jolie often took children for walks, shopping and film premieres while Brad Pitt was busy at the filming of the film and other projects. However, now the actor intends to catch up the missed time with his family. "Brada had to freeze the development of the Sequel" World War "Z", and now that the film was canceled, he decided to refuse to participate in other projects this summer and just stay next to the children, "Radar Online reports.

Brad Pitt refused to shoot in the Sequel

The Western media was previously reported on the stretched relationship between Pitt and his senior adoptive son Maddox, with whom, by rumors, the star had a quarrel on the plane. As an insider approves, the actor is going to use the vacation to again become closer to the sons: "He is desperately trying to use this opportunity to restore relations with children, with Maddox and Pax, especially. He wants to close up with them on the basis of interest in sports and motorcycles, especially after for months he could only spend time in his estate in Los Felis. "

Brad Pitt refused to shoot in the Sequel

According to Radar Online, some time voltage in relations between Angelina and Brad was so great that the actor could not catch with children more than 900 days in a row. "There was a time when he could not imagine that he would refuse this film, but it turned out to be a blessing. Once the Jolie began to actively film, Pitt decided to take a break in work and be a father, "the anonymous source told.

Brad Pitt refused to shoot in the Sequel

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