Chelsea Handler told that Jennifer Aniston thinks about the divorce of Jolie and Piet


"To talk about the feelings of Jen in the whole situation is stupid and sorry. She does not care! It's just funny that her name is still mentioned in this regard. Ale! As if she is just doing that he sits and thinks about Pitte - all this did not care for a long time "! - annoyed TV presenter.

Next, Chelsea added that Aniston had a long time another man and a completely different life, and Jen is extremely surprised that her name still emerges in mentions about the divorce of the couple, to which it has nothing to do.

It must be said that Handler is not first to speak out in sharp expressions about various celebrities. In April 2016, Chelsea sent a photo message Donald Trump by writing an insult to his address on his own body. And in September, she gave an unexpected characteristic of Angelina Jolie, calling her "Chokutu, who gathered under one roof a bunch of adoptive children speaking different languages." Chelsea Handler reached fame thanks to his own television show Chelsea Lately, which she leads since 2007. In 2012, the series about Handler was shot under the name "Where are you, Chelsea?", Founded on her book. In 2012, it was included in the list of "the most influential people" according to the Time magazine.

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