Nanny Angelina Jolie stood for Brad Piet


"I made it possible to talk about it only because it is very concerned about the fate of the most Angelina and her children. I want to contact her: "Please do not strike out Brad from their life!" It is impossible to use children as a weapon in a quarrel with her husband and demonize him, as her mother had done. After all, as a result, they will have a lonely and insane childhood, as once at the Angelina itself. After all, her mother could not forgive the right, and she hurts to look at his daughter, in many ways her husband recalled her ... "- the Morlam says.

It is known that Brad Pete is hardly experiencing separation from family and support finds, communicating with his parents. Recall that Angelina suddenly filed for everyone to divorce with Brad Pitt, demanding the sole guardianship over their children, stating that the actor is dangerous for children, as it is subject to flashes of anger. On Friday, September 30, the couple reached a temporary settlement agreement, which allowed Brad to see children before the court session. He even had to make drugexpertiz to prove that the accusations in his direction are bullied.

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