Brad Pitt is depressed due to a divorce with Angelina Jolie


According to foreign media reports, Pitt did not know about the intention of Jolie to submit to divorce, and, having learned, was shocked by this news. In addition, Pitt still has not realized that they have all over with Angelina. He is still tied to his wife and hopes to return it. It is said that the spouse does not even come to contact him. Brad is so depressed, which took a pause in work.

"He cannot believe that his life turned into this hell. Now he is very depressed, but keeps the sake of children. Children are the only thing he thinks about. Pitt is very supported by relatives, friends and his assistant. Brad is constantly in touch with the mother, "the insider told.

Pitt is ready to fulfill all the conditions of the ex-wife. The other day, he went to extremely humiliating conditions for himself, just to be able to see children - agreed to regularly take tests for alcohol and drugs. Recall that a few days ago, the actors came to a temporary agreement. Until October 20, all six children of couples remain under the care of Angelina, and Brad will be able to visit them - while under the supervision of specialists.

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