The director "John Whita" caught up that the film could not be finished with Happi Endom


Most Hollywood films end with Happy endom, and only a few cinematographers decide to finish films for a wide audience somehow differently - on a minor note or introducing cliffhegers. The director of the franchise "John Piq" Chad Stachelsky belongs just to supporters of non-standard moves. In a conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Stahelski shared that he didn't like deliberately happy endings, but he also does not accept Cliffhengers. According to the director, in John White, each story ends when the right moment comes, but no one knows what will happen the next day - here the uncertainty of the future is led.

It can be argued that the ending "John Whitch 3" is nothing but a classic cliffheger, but stachele insists that he and his colleagues did not put the goals to achieve such an effect:

We do not want the endings of our films to be perceived like Cliffhengers. John PEC kills 80 people because of the death of his puppy. Is it possible to finish a similar Happi-end story? [Laughs.] You see what I mean? The story simply ends and that's it. This is a small adventure - or a separate segment from the Hero's life - comes to an end. The second part is over the way we wanted. As for the final of the third part ... Events went with their own man, but someone betrayed John. As in ordinary life, we have both good and bad. John just disappeared to appear again. We did not want from this to get Cliffheger.

Obviously, "John Whitch" fans do not wait for a happy ending in the subsequent films of the franchise. This directly speaks not only stachele, but also Keanu Rivz. The actor expects, at the end of his way, John either die or remain lonely. Recall that John PEC 4 should go out on May 26, 2022.

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