Yuen McGregor will announce the cricket of Jimini in the remake "Pinocchio" Guillermo del Toro


Legendary Director Guillermo Del Toro has hatched the idea of ​​a puppet full-length film about Pinocchio. In 2018, Netflix joined the project, after receiving the finance, he moved from a dead point. In an interview with Ace Universe, actor Yuen McGregor spoke about his participation in Pinocchio, he engaged in Jimini Criccake:

I started working on the project before the introduction of a self-insulation regime. So most of the replica is already recorded. Of course, we are talking about doll animation, so the creators of the film will need a long time to complete the work. But my participation in the project is practically completed. Perhaps in the future I will ask me to write a song. But I do not think that I can tell about this in detail.

Yuen McGregor will announce the cricket of Jimini in the remake

Pinocchio's action Del Toro will unfold in Italy of the 1930s. The director says that the film will tell about the "puppet during the formation of fascism." It will not be a film about Pinocchio for the whole family, it is planned as a political parable and a reminder of Mussolini for modern spectators.

The premiere of the picture is not yet defined.

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