Former husband Megan Fox demanded a joint guardianship of children in a judicial statement


While the actress Megan Fox spends time with Raper Kolson, her now has a former husband trying to resolve their relationship with children. Recall the pair of their three - the sons of Noah, Bodhi and Georni. Spouses filed statements to the court at the same time on the eve of an important family holiday for all Americans - Thanksgiving Day.

It seemed that the process would be light, but something went wrong. Brian decided to also declare a joint legal entity and physical care over sons. At the same time, no aliminal obligations launched the actor. As the reason for the divorce, Austin Green pointed out "irreconcilable circumstances."

An 47-year-old star of the popular series "Beverly Hills 90210" officially announced parting back in May of this year, when he learned that his spouse had fun with a beaker, more famous for Machine Gun Kelly, but the prerequisites for parting and joint guardianship As the actor pointed out in his claim, dated March 5 of this year.

Fox and Green's relationship have never been smooth and calm. The couple met in shooting in 2004, and between them was a decent difference in the age - Megan was only 18, and the oest was turned 30. They were engaged twice, and in the history of their relationship there was already a sad episode when Megan's first filed for a divorce In 2015.

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Then Brian demanded guardianship of children and even expect for alimony as a state of health (the actor suffered in a car accident). It seems that all this confusion occurs because a marriage contract was not compiled between the spouses - whether it was not desirable to mess with paperwork, or feelings were so strong. Now that juvenile children are involved in the situation, all parties suffer.

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