Consequence of children's injury: FKA TWIGS colleague supported accusations against Shai Labafa


The director of the film "Cute Boy" Alma Harel supported the singer FKA TWIGS, accusing Shaya LabaFa in violence.

The other day of the singer, the real name of which Talia Barnett was submitted to the court to the former lover, accusing him in physical and emotional violence. She argues that Labafe intentionally infected with its venereal disease and had strict demands to it during relations. According to the waist, one day during the quarrel Shaya locked it in the room, and during another conflict attacked her. The star called the relationship with the actor Abusive and noted that the novel with him was the "worst time in her life."

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Recently, Alma expressed support for Barnett. "I respect her bravery. I was shocked what she had passed. I send my love to her and all victims of domestic violence. Like many colleagues who tried to fight the aggression of Shai, which became a consequence of child injury and mental illness, it hurts me to realize my past investments in his healing. I want to emphasize that nothing of the above should justify, minimize or rationalize the domestic violence, "Harel spoke.

The script of the film "Cute Boy" Posted by Shaya himself, and the story of the life of the actor was in his foundation. Labafe suffers from alcohol addiction. Several times he was arrested for aggressive behavior and was repeatedly treated in a rehabilitation center. As a child, Labafe had severe relationship with the Father, which applied violence to him.

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