To change Hugh Jackman: Shayya Labafa was presented in Wolverine


Since Disney absorbed FOH and thanks to this, it has acquired the rights to the people of X, the future of Wolverine remained in question. Hugh Jackman returns to the role categorically refuses, moreover, he is not ready even for a small chameo. And yet the principal position of the actor does not mean that the fans will no longer see Logan on the big screen.

From the moment the story of the hero officially ended, disputes are being conducted about who could become his successor, and the fans also do not remain aside. Although they cannot affect the final solution of the studio, no one forbade them to fantasize them, so on the network then new curious arts associated with Wolverine appear. For example, on the last of them, the cult claws tried for Shaia Labafe. Of course, hardly the actor will bring Logan to reality, but it looks quite good in this role.

To change Hugh Jackman: Shayya Labafa was presented in Wolverine 159053_1

In general, some characters are so associated with one actor, which is difficult to imagine someone else. Jackman played Wolverine from 2000 to 2017, and, unlike other popular heroes, such as Batman or Spiderman, the first in history, Logan's reboot clearly will be perceived by fans wary. And whoever took the place Hugh, he will have to try to melt the hearts of the audience.

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