Let the feminist grow: Keira Knightley prohibits the daughter to watch cartoons about the princesses


This is not the first interview with the actress, where she expresses his thoughts about the female destination. In 2014, she advised the girls not to wait for the princes and not believe in fairy tales. Apparently, now Keira Knightley adheres to the same principles in raising their little daughter. She told People magazine, and then the leading Ellen Dedgenes, which he believes Disney's stories about princesses unable to raise a sense of self-esteem in the child. Especially got from the actress cartoons "Cinderella" and "Mermaid".

Interviews Kira on Elelen Shaw

"Cinderella is waiting for a prince who will save her. It annoys me. And the Little Mermaid demonstrates the same problem: the absence of the right to vote in front of a man. "

An entertaining fact is that the "Cinderella" with his favorite character considered Walt Disney himself - for its hardworking and kindness. And "Mermaid" at one time received many positive feedback critics for becoming the first initiative and freedom-loving princess Disney.

The list allowed to view the cartoons of Cyrus Knightley called "mohan", "Cold Heart" and "In Search Dori".

Cyrus and her husband and daughter Edid:

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