Mia Farrow responded to rumors about death 3 of 14 children: "terrible tragedies"


Recently, Mia Farrow told about the death of three heirs. The 76-year-old actress brought up 14 children, four of whom gave birth to herself, and the rest adopted. The family of the star fell into the center of attention after the release of the Documentary film "Allen vs. Farrow", in which the actress accused Woody Allen in the plant of her daughters. Speaking about his children in the film, Farrow went around the death of two daughters and her son, in connection with this, various rumors began to appear in the network.

The other day Mia decided to tell the public about the tragedy. "As a mother of fourteen children, I can say that my family is mine. And even though I chose a public career, most of my children prefer not to advertise their lives. I respect their desire, so I follow what I tell in my publications. Few perfect families. Parents who survived the loss of the child know that this is an indescribable pain. And so there were false rumors about the life of three of my gone children. To honor their memory, as well as in the sign of respect for their families, I am writing this message, "the beginning of Mia.

Mia Farrow responded to rumors about death 3 of 14 children:

The actress told that her daughter Tam died at the age of 17 due to overdose of drugs, with the help of which he tried to cope with strong migraine and heart disease. Another daughter, Lark, died at 35 years from HIV / AIDS complications, which became infected from the previous partner. "Despite the illness, Lark lived life, complete love, with his partner and children. She died for Christmas in the hospital on the hands of a loved one, "said Farrow.

Mia Farrow responded to rumors about death 3 of 14 children:

And her son Taddeus committed suicide in 29 years due to parting with the beloved. "These are terrible tragedies. All speculation about the death of my children is the dishonor of their life, the life of their children and their loved ones, "the actress summed up.

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