Twitter brought Hayley Bieber to nausea: "Very toxic environment"


Recently, more and more celebrities are recognized that they are tired of social networks. Last summer, Hayley Bieber deactivated his account on Twitter, and recently explained in the interview, why.

According to Heili, the main problem for it was the permanent comparison of it with others: in matters of appearance, behavior, and so on.

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"When you pass through the situation where many people tell you the same thing again and again, it starts churn your mind. And you start thinking: maybe there is something that they see and what I do not see? I have no more twitter, because at some point I felt that it was a very toxic environment. Even when I just thought to launch the application, I started a terrible alarm, reaching nausea, "Haley shared.

The model says that he left Instagram, but with the conditions: she browsing it only on weekends and allowed to comment on his posts only familiar.

"Now that I post something, I know that comments will leave only familiar who most likely write something positive and pleasant. I want to like everyone, I have it, I work on it. But I have already realized that I should not have anything else, I should not justify and explain. I'm trying to correct in myself what I want to fix, and I want to do it behind the closed door, "Haley said.

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