Neighbors Megan Markle and Prince Harry regret their move: "People go crazy"


Residents of a quiet little town in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, where the Prince Harry and Megan Marcle settled, with the relocation of spouses just lost peace. The dukes had not yet seen in public, but their presence in Montecito attracts numerous paparazzi and journalists here, and because of this, the neighbors of the royal couple, celebrities, just go crazy.

Previously, the inhabitants of Montecito, among which are stars like Ellen Degensheres, Oprah Winfrey, Rob Lowe, Carol Bernett, Jane Lynch, the Kardashian family, could safely go to the shops and dining in restaurants without experiencing discomfort from the annoying attention of the press. But now everything has changed, and, as reported by TMZ tabloid, - wherever they go, helicopters, drones, paparazzi and curious tourists follow them everywhere.

Photographers and journalists track the prince and his spouse, visitors' visitors are trying to find out from their owners, whether the Duke of Sussekskie did not come to them, but since Megan and Harry have not yet left their mansion, then all attention is getting used to local residents. Rich and famous complain that the personal life of each of the violated, and they are preparing for an even worsiment of the situation when spouses after quarantine will come out of the house.

Some mansion owners even decided to move from the city and put their homes for sale. For example, Actor Rob Low, who lives in close proximity to Megan and Harry, sells his luxury real estate for $ 22.5 million. And yet it is not known whether he can find those who wish not only to spend such a huge amount of housing, but also to settle next to the scandalous royal pair.

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