Taylor Swift in the magazine Cosmopolitan United Kingdom. December 2014.


About feminism: "We are often talking about feminism and the inequality that exists between men and women. For example: Why is it considered funny, funny and sexy, if the guy had a bunch of mistresses? If he first loved each of them, and then threw? At the same time, if a woman in eight years had three or four men, then it is already considered to be walking. And this fact gives a reason to some 12-pilots call her whore on the Internet. Men perceive quite differently. It is a fact".

Goodbye: "I realized that it was not worth sacrificing my independence just because someone is cute and wants to meet you. This is not a reason to give the surrounding reasons for conversations. I don't do this anymore. "

The fact that she is happy without a relationship: "There must be someone really special to appear for me to decide on the relationship. Now I can't imagine that a person will appear in my life who wants to build relations with me or even a family. Now I am ready to be alone. Life can be romantic and without novels. I really like the feeling of happiness that I'm still experiencing. "

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