Lia Michel on Show Jay Leno


Lia Rod from New York, where her parents still live. A recent hurricane really scared actress. She admitted that he simply did not know what to do in such situations: "I just sit and eat, as my dad. Nervous and eat because of stress throughout the earthquake. I don't even have a flashlight. I just have to find my cat in Such situations. This is my priority number one. I am from New York, so the only thing I have for security is a knife under the bed. In case someone breaks into the house. " The presenter only laughed at the carelessness of Lia: "The guy will have a gun, and you have a knife."

Lia also told about the unpleasant incident that happened to her recently because of the auto market: "I was all the way to spray-auto market. One of the managers had a dog, she jumped to my knees. I thought she was so sweet, and she was on me I wrote. I could just wipe it, but on my legs there were strips of auto market. For a few days I went like Zebra after the dog wrote on me. "

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