Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt accused of hypocrisy


Brad and Angie very tried to arrange a wedding secret from the press, photographers and all kinds of hype. They repeatedly stated that they dreamed of a quiet, modest and exclusively family ceremony. However, it did not prevent newly minted spouses to sell exclusive wedding photos of People and Hello magazines! For pictures, the pair helped almost 10 million dollars. Of course, the money was immediately transferred to charity, but many journalists saw the showing gesture in this.

The press is also wondering how you can talk about a happy family celebration, if even the father of the bride did not appear on the wedding. The attentive media recalled that this "love holiday" was far from the first for newlyweds. Pitt married a second time, and for Jolie is at all the third marriage.

Unconvincing seemed to journalists and the idea of ​​using children's drawings in the wedding dress of the bride. According to the mass media, this is a strange way to express your love of attention to children. All this is more like a public game and the desire to attract attention to himself than to enjoy the most important day surrounded by loved ones.

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