Journalists are forbidden to talk with Jennifer Aniston about Brad Pitte


Recently, Aniston gave an interview to Carson Dale for the show "Today." Prior to an interview with the journalist, strict instructions were made, which we can talk about, and what is impossible. "Carso had to agree that he would not ask any questions about Pitte or about when Aniston marries the Teutory."

"Her journalist was not very happy that the conversation of the actress with Carson led them to the topic of marriage and children. He also did not allow to show any photo of Jen and Brad from the past, "the source continued. During an interview, Aniston said that she had no clear list, which should be followed, and if she misses something out of him, it will cease to be a woman or will lose his femininity, it concerns the birth of a child.

The interview took place a few days before the news about the wedding of Jolie and Pitt and in this Aniston just greatly lucky. Otherwise it was something like a "big elephant in the room," there is a topic, but it cannot be discussed.

According to the source, during an interview, Jennifer behaved very professionally and was uncess. "She was always a professional, but her publicist violates so that the conversation did not go beyond the scope of those who are very upsetting the actress, especially when it comes to her former husband."

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