"Just a sample of mother": Mill Yovovich filmed the first steps of the youngest daughter


Hollywood actress and model Mill Yovovich shared with fans of a record with the first steps of his nine-month-old daughter Oshshin Lark Elliot. On the record. Little girl stands, inseciously leaning with her hand on the bed, mother sits nearby. Milla calls her daughter to come and take the ball, and now a few seconds the oscillations of the child decides to make the first steps and independently goes to the mother. And Mill, and all those present on the video are delighted with the first steps of the baby: they clap and support the child.

"And now officially: Baby Oshshin began to walk!" - signed the publication of Mill.

In the comments, fans from all over the world congratulate their favorite movie descent with the first steps of the daughter. They do not doubt that this is a significant event, and many with pity notice that at one time they themselves did not remove such videos.

"In such a video, I'm ready to die forever," write, for example, the Russian-speaking fans of the actress.

Oshshin Lark Elliot - Already the third child in Mill Yovovich's family and director Paul Anderson, she was born on February 2 of this year. Other children Couples: Ever Gabo and Deshill Eden. In many interviews, Mill noted that he considers himself Russian and talking to the daughters of the house in Russian, he reads books with verses and stories, as her parents from Tula, and she herself half a russian, half-black.

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