Tom Cruise parked the helicopter on the golf course to eat


Last weekend, a group of golf players was stunned by a sudden landing of the helicopter on the golf course. About the ninth of the Richmond Golf Club on the southwest of London landed a helicopter from which Tom Cruise was released. Although he was in a mask to protect against coronavirus, players immediately learned. The actor went to the clubhouse of the Golf Club to dine, leaving its vehicle parked in the wrong place. During the time he dined, the helicopter became a popular destination for Selfie of the locals.

Tom Cruise arrived in the UK to continue filming the film "Mission: Impossible 7". Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the shooting, held in Venice, were stopped. Now that the United Kingdom's authorities have developed security protocols for the film industry, it is planned to continue working on the film on the abandoned Air Force Base in Oxfordshire, conveyed under the movie clock. Previously, the same helicopter was repeatedly seen in flights in the vicinity of that base.

At the moment, the premiere of "Mission: Impossible 7" was transferred to November 2021.

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