In the style of "Deadpool": Tom Cruise and Christopher McQorery shared a plan on "Jack Rcher 3"


In recent years, the creative Union of Tom Cruise and Christopher McQorery has established itself from the best side - in this regard, the rebirth of the franchise "Mission: Impossible" comes to mind, but even before that, in 2012, Cruz starred from McQorery in the militant "Jack Reacher " And although this film, as well as Sicvel 2016, showed himself at the box office not as well as expected, the third part remains in development. In an interview with Empire McQorery, McQorery reported that he had a mass of interesting ideas for this film:

Tom said that if this series continues, we post the Rcher to a special space - to the world after "Deadpool" and "Joker", so that our film and the entire franchise would also acquire Rating R. With such a situation The cruelty of the literary source would be transferred to the screen fully. We are entirely ready to bet on such a development of events.

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It is worth recalling that the first two pictures of Jack Reacher lay down the novels of the English writer Lee Childe. If the third film really goes somewhat differently, refusing compromises, then with the proper approach, the entire franchise will have a chance to reach a new level. Moreover, Macquorry intrigued a statement that Cruise in Jack Richer 3 thinks to appear in not standard for himself:

As a character of Reacher and so atpirate for Tom, but we plan to create an even more non-standard hero. We talk a lot about it, so I hopefully look into the future. Franchise moved forward, and we are not. So now we have some blanks. The new "Jack Reacher" will not look like children's games at all. We are very captured.

There are no other details about Jack Reacher 3. At the moment, Cruise and Mcquorry work on the "Mission: Non-Pay 7", whose premiere will be held on November 18, 2021.

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