At the age of 30: Sicvel "Best Arrow" will show even more impressive tricks


Since the release of the cult militant "the best shooter" has passed for more than three decades, so that the return of Tom Cruise to the role of the military pilot of Pita Mitchell in the upcoming sequel "Top Gan: Meevery" is of particular importance. Although the original has long been recognized as the classics of his genre, the new film promises to be much more impressive, because from the mid-80s technology film production stepped far ahead. In an interview with Yahoo, producer Jerry Brookheimer made it clear that in terms of entertainment "MEVERIC" will be ready to surpass all the expectations:

The current level of technological development will allow us to realize what we could not do before. First of all, it concerns filming in the air. Tom - Aviator, it can perform any maneuvers that are required for the film, including flights on helicopters, jet aircraft and aircraft with screw engines.

At the age of 30: Sicvel

Brookhaymer's comments are no longer the first renewress to the technology used in the creation of "Top Ghana: MEVERIC". Last summer, Actor John Hamm said that the film was filmed in 6K format, thanks to which the air scenes look "stunning." Moreover, the use in the picture of computer graphics will be minimized - on this insisted personally Tom Cruise, taking advantage of the ultimate realism in his movie action.

In the Russian rental "Top Gan: Maverik" will be released on January 1, 2021.

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