Star "Major's story" Elizabeth Moss answered rumors about engagement with Tom Cruise


Elizabeth Moss protects his personal life since rumors crawled about her novel with Tom Cruise. Recently, the actress has become a guest of the show Andy Cohen's show and answered questions from the audience in the live broadcast. One of them asked Moss about rumors about her relationship with the famous Scientologist.

What was your reaction when you read that we get married Tom Cruise?

- asked the fan.


It was very embarrassed me. Then I got a bunch of messages like: "I didn't know why you did not say me?!" Full confusion. But many also fought over it, because, obviously, they realized that it was not true,

- answered Elizabeth.


In February 2019, rumors about Cruise crawled even stronger, because photography of Tom and Elizabeth appeared on the cover of one of the stars magazines.

When I saw it on the cover of one of the magazines, I thought: "I never did such a hairstyle ..." Yes, it's like a photo of us two, but I never laid my hair like that photo.

Perhaps rumors about the novel with Cruise are associated with the Scientology Past Moss - Tom and Elizabeth Once both were part of this community.

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