The director "Mission: Impossible" explained why two new parts will be immediately


With the release of the film "Mission Impossible: Consequences" in 2018, the franchise fell into decay, headed by Tom Cruise gained a second breath. Since then, the creators are trying not to lower the specified bar, while simultaneously removing two new parts at once. Being a subcaster Light The Fuse, the director and screenwriter "Mission: Impossible" Christopher McQorery said what the so unusual production format was dictated:

When we started the development of "consequences", I said: "I would really like to transform this story in a kind of emotional journey for [Cruise Character] Itan Khanta." Then I decided to go even further, saying: "I want to take what we have learned thanks to the" consequences ", and apply it to each of the characters of the film. I would like everyone to have their own emotional arch. " During the work, we realized that we have a movie for 2 hours and 40 minutes, and each scene is important.

In order not to sacrifice something, McQorery and his team decided to break the conceived history on the part, so "Mission: Impressive 8" will become a direct continuation of the "Mission: Impossible 7". The release of the first of these films will take place on November 18, 2021.

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