Vanessa Hudgens: I feel a guy


Then many thought that the actress simply hid her long gorgeous hair under the wig, however, it was not. As it turned out, Vanessa decided to join this role, which was drawn. According to the actress itself, she does not just play this girl to the boy, but lives her.

"Tattoo, hair, clothing, piercing, gestures, all ... - She says People. - Gait, a speech manner .... This is a completely different person. I really look like a guy. " Extra 10 pounds for role, shortened haircut, as well as piercing "automatically transfers you to another world," says Vanessa.

"It is really unexpected. I still get used to the new hairstyle, "says Hudgens. - I play this girl who has no home and she does not care about its appearance. Throughout the film, I look like a boy. "

For Vanessa, this role is a dream, so it is not surprising that she went to certain sacrifices for her, when he met with director Ron Krauss: "I grabbed the scissors and began to cut off my hair, and then the director decided that he could join, and he just grabbed the curl of my hair and sliced ​​too. Believe me, I miss them, but I can't do anything. "

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