Lars von Trier in Cannes declared non-grad person


The cult Danish director and screenwriter Lars von Trier today during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival about his new Melcholiya film once again shouted the public. The scandalous statement of the director sounded in response to the question of his German roots.

"For a long time I thought I was a Jew, and was this proud and happy. But then I met the director Susann Bir, a Jewish, and was not happy about it. And now I found that I really are Nazi, my family is coming from Germany, and it gave me pleasure. And I want to say all that the following: I understand Hitler and even in part sympathy. No, it does not mean that I approve the second world war or have something against Jews or even Susanne Bir, although Israel is the same headache ... "- said Von Trier.

In response to the question of the journalist, he is ready to rent a large-budget film, the director replied: "We, Nazis, love large-scale projects, and it is possible that I will rent something like a" final decision of the Jewish question "(term policy of the Government of the Third Reich, Euvelism , under which the "purification of Europe from Jews").

This statement shocked not only inherent journalists, but also the performers of the main roles in his film. The American actress Kirsten Dunst sitting next to the Danish director, the American actress, which was no less amazed by the heard French actress Charlotte Gensebourn - it is known that her father Serge Gensbour was a Russian Jew.

"Lars von Trier clarified, which was amenable to provocation. He apologizes. The Directorate of the Festival takes them note and transmits them," the festival organizers say. The Directorate also stated that "will never allow to make a scene from the event for such statements."

In the sidelines of the Cannes Festival, meanwhile, they believe that the words of the trielers can adversely affect the chances of his film "Melancholy".

Note that the film Treier "Melancholy's Cannes Festival presented yesterday at the Cannes Festival tells about the end of the world, and the catastrophe finale is shown in the first minutes of the picture. In the center of the plot is a simple family that survives the sunset of the current civilization. In the main roles of the star of American and European Cinema: Kirsten Dunst, Alexander Skarsgard, Charlotte Ginsburg, Santherland Kiefer, Charlotte Rampling, John Heurt and others. Prior to this scandal, the picture "Melancholia" (Lars von Trier is a screenwriter and director) was assessed by film critics and press as the main applicant for the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival.

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