Kristen Stewart frankly told about his orientation in an interview with Variety


"When I met with a guy, I never discussed my relationship with anyone. Similarly, I try to do now, "Kristen told in an interview. "But I do not hide anything. And it is quite obvious that I - ... "(the last word of the suggestion of Stewart, as indicated in the interview with Variety, did not say aloud).

The actress also stated that he wants to be a "activist" of the LGBT community. "I think this movement is so important that I want to be part of it," says Kristen.

Stuart commented on the numerous photos on the Internet, on which she "lit up" with her girls before paparazzi - according to the actress, she allowed it to happen, because he was absolutely not against the emergence of her photos in the network - and the fact that her teenage fans would see them.

"It is very important for me. No matter how I wanted to protect myself, it's not to hide something. As soon as you start to build a wall around you, you don't see anything through them and you remain isolated, but it is not fair. "

In his interview with Variety, Kristen mentioned that she was inspired by how modern young people belong to love - without any shortcuts: "You no longer need to immediately know how to determine yourself," notes Stewart, confessing that she once had to Perpetue with this self-determination. "I had to find answers about who I am. I was looking for, but nothing looked suitable. So I decided not to bother. "

The original interview (in English) can be read by reference.

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