"Delicate hysteric": Julia Snigir frankly told about the complexes and "Ixic's feet"


Actress and TV presenter Julia Snigir revealed the truth about its complexes in the show "Caution, Sobchak!". The star "Bloody Baryni" admitted the lead program, which does not consider himself a clever and beauty.

Loving provocative questions of Ksenia Sobchak asked Evgeny Tsyganov's spouse about her complexes, and Snigir gave an unexpected answer. "I consider myself stupid. Sometimes - not very talented. Often, not sometimes. I believe that I have a "Ixic" legs, "the actress listed.

Sobchak in response said that he had not seen more beautiful legs for a long time.

With its drawback, Julia calls and quick temper. The actress is trying to avoid conflicts, because he does not control himself in the arms of the dispute. She admitted that he often herself most of all suffers from her in the wrong.

"I can say something very nasty, scream, something to smash something, and in ten minutes I am scary to be ashamed. But I can recognize my guilt in public. After 10 minutes I think: "Why did I say that?" I come down and say: "Sorry, please, I do not understand what it was. I am not right, I am very shameful, "Snigar shared.

The artist is even ready to call himself hysterical, but delicate. She is often shy of people and never felt like a princess. Therefore, it tries to be educated and restrain the impulses shouting and staring with their feet.

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