Ksenia Sobchak tried to "help" Badcomedian (not happening)


Offended Sobchak placed on the YouTube-channel video, where in detail its version of events. Ksenia emotionally told about how the acquaintances were contacted by the representatives of Kinodans, they agreed to meet with Bazhenovoi on its transfer and almost live in a lifestyle to break the trial lawsuit. She opted by successful negotiations, she called Evgeny, but Badcomedian refused to meet and stated that all questions would be solved through lawyers. Sobchak expressed his perplexity and even provided a telephone conversation, but, as it turned out later, the audience learned only half of the truth.

Bazhenov in the comments Жy explained that Ksenia cut his commentary and published only what was interesting to her personally. And, of course, the recording permits and the publication of the conversation blogger did not give. Eugene honestly told that it meant "no" - the invitation to the Sobchak appeared to Badcomedian suspicious. Why should the public meeting of the two warring parties should occur exactly on the odious show "Caution, Sobchak"? Why no one except her could agree to revoke the claim? And under what conditions did it happen? The reviews of the browser remained without answers, and after the publication of the telephone conversation, Eugene once again was convinced that he did right.

By the way, in the comments under the video Sobchak, most supported the Badcomedian solution not to contact the scandalous journalist. Recall that Kinodans accused Bazhenov in the review on the film "Beyond Reality", he exceeded the permissible quotation volume and violated copyright. The blogger himself denies his guilt, as the legislation does not spell exact rules regarding quotation volumes. There is no doubt that the production company is simply experiencing for his reputation.

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