"The most dangerous person": Konstantin Bogomolov published the first photo with Ksenia Sobchak


Sobchak is captured from the back near the famous St. Vita Cathedral in Prague. Girl, highly recking, studies the gothic work of art. Konstantin said that the photo is the most dangerous person. He told subscribers that became a victim of a cunning draw. "This is a demon, Hello playing me yesterday. Half a day I shared and was outraged, then I was full of mynnase and admired, "the mantis wrote, but he didn't even hinted, in what was the firstaaprel joke.

Recall that the first rumors about treason Sobchak to her husband Maxim Vitorgana appeared last fall. They even rumored that men came up near one of the Moscow cafes. However, in March, the couple officially announced a divorce, and the ex-spouse admitted that they had not live together for a long time. Then Svetlana Bondarchuk poured oil into the fire: editor-in-chief of Russian Hello! Posted by Instagram video with dancing xenia and Konstantin at the bottom of the birth of their common friend. After that, it did not make sense to hide the relationship anymore, and now, as we know, loved with a clean conscience rest in the Czech capital.

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