"Intly fell into the State Duma": Ksenia Sobchak told about the conflict with Maria Kozhevnikova


The other day, Kozhevnikov came to the studio to Lera Kudryavtseva, and during the frank conversation the lead touched upon the long-standing conflict of her guest and Ksenia Sobchak. It turned out that in 2011, when Mary became a deputy of the State Duma, the journalist published a provocative shot of the Kozhevnikova, on which her panties were visible. "She wrote me mateful messages, which is the place that you can see here, I got into the State Duma," the actress recognizes. After some time, Sobchak tried to establish relations with the newly minted politician. "Whoever will remember, the eye is won," said Ksenia at one joint event. Kozhevnikova chose "not to hover the ax of war", saying that he knows the continuation - "... And who will forget that, both", and refused to put up.

After entering the NTV, Kudryavtsevaya's transfer to the arena hurried to leave the Sobchak herself. In Instagram, she placed a long post in which it argues its vision of the situation in detail. "I really wrote something in the style" I wonder how I was intuitively in the State Duma Maria Kozhevnikov? " And placed one of her erotic photos, "writes Ksenia. She emphasizes that it was just a rhetorical question for readers - why the highest legislative body became a place of accurate athletes and actresses? "I believe that this is a sign of time when it is not necessary lawmaking, but trained monkeys who know how to click on the command button," continues Sobchak.

After such a loud and provocative statement, we are waiting for a response of not only Kozhevnikova, but also other "monkeys" wearing a deputy mandate.

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