Media: Vitorgan has grown up with Bogomolov because of Sobchak


The Telegram Channel "Only Nickname" reports and even shows the video on which the Vitorgan holds with the Bogomol. Allegedly, the spouse of the popular TV presenter came to a restaurant where Konstantin had dinner and asked him to go out. After that, after a few minutes, the Vitorgan struck Bogomolov in his nose, and the restaurant's employees called "ambulance". According to the witnesses of what happened, the medical assistance was not needed by the director, and the jury of Maxim Vitorgan became the reason for the fight. The actor himself did not comment on the incident, keeps silence and his wife Ksenia Sobchak. The Bogomolov told about the injuries received, without specifying who he was put to him:

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дорогие и неравнодушные друзья) прекрасный врач (спасибо Ире Апексимовой) собрал мой переломанный в двух местах нос и привел смещённые кости черепа в более менее приличное состояние в связи с чем внутричерепное нормализовано и я могу представить вам невероятную команду спектакля «преступление и наказание», к которому я скоро приступаю #дегтярь #игнатова #лысенков #новиков #питер

Публикация от Konstantin Bogomolov (@konbog75)

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