"Destroyed the walls I erected": Paris Hilton passionately congratulated the boyfriend on the anniversary


The other day Paris Hilton published a gentle video in his microblog, which showed herself with the current boyfriend Carter Reem. In the roller, the secular lioness gathered the most touching, passionate and cute moments of their relationship. Thus, the celebrity congratulated the beloved with their anniversary. "I sincerely believe that we were created for each other and are intended for each other," Paris said.

Instructing that Instadiva designed a video status of the Carder under its 2006 track HeartBeat. In the final of the video, Hilton put a joint photo with a REMUM, which also attended the words "Love Forever". "I like that we celebrate our love every month! I can not believe that only a year has passed. Such a feeling that I am with you all my life! " - Signed a video celebrity.

She also added that Carter changed her life by making her the happiest woman on earth. "I never felt so close to another person. And this is because you are the first who destroyed the walls that I built around my heart, "the singer admitted.

Note that Hilton already sees a further future with the reem. She is sure that he will always be safe next to him, and he will give her affection, love, tenderness and care.

Fans were pleased for Paris. "I'm so happy that you are happy, sister," said Demi Lovato in the comments. And the actress Page Mobley added: "You look so happy!" Other Folloviers stated that they were waiting for the early wedding of stars.

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