Sister Paris Hilton condemned her for greed: "I wanted to earn a billion"


In the new documentary film about Paris Hilton This Is Paris starred her younger sister Niki. In one point, the sister's film was talked about vacation and work, and Paris, whose fortune is now estimated at $ 300 million, stated that it is not going to stop and will work further.

Sister Paris Hilton condemned her for greed:

Niki advised her to take a vacation, "go to Hawaii and throw away the phone," because Paris was the last time on vacation at the age of 15.

Yes, the last time I went to vacation with your family. All this time I work non-stop,

- Says Paris in the film.

Yes, you are greedy!

- She told her sister. But Paris noted that "just can't" give up work. She said that he had put a goal to become a billionaire and would not stop until she had reached her.

Sister Paris Hilton condemned her for greed:

However, from the moment of filming, a lot of time passed, and probably the words of the sister influenced Paris. Now she says that her main goal is to be happy, have family and children. The star is already a year and a half meets the entrepreneur Carter Reem. And recently, Hilton told that he frozen eggs and already plans the number of children and their gender:

The first we will have a boy and a girl - twins. When you freeze the egg, you can choose the sex of the child and make the twins. I will call London girl, and for the boy the name has not yet come up with.

Previously, Paris said that she would like to get a family with Carter, and noted that he would be a good father:

I finally found my half. Of who I want to spend your whole further life and have a family.

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