Paris Hilton spoke about the scandal around the guardianship of Britney Spears: "I understand what she is like"


Recently, Paris Hilton talked on the air with Andy Koen, where he told a little about his relationship with Britney Spears and spoke out about the situation with her guardianship. According to Paris, she is still friends with a pop star and understands its current state.

I have seen her in the summer, we have dinner together in Malibu. I love her very much, and it seems to me if you are an adult, you have to live your life, and not forever be controlled. I do not know, maybe it is because I also controlled a lot, but I understand perfectly, what is her. She worked so much all his life, she became an icon. And now, it seems to me, she completely lost control over his life. It is unfair

- said Hilton.

Paris Hilton spoke about the scandal around the guardianship of Britney Spears:

She was asked if she was discussing these things with Britney. Paris replied:

She is so cute and innocent, such a good girl. We are talking to her about pleasant things - music, fashion, discuss something funny. I do not like to raise unpleasant themes and cause discomfort in people, so we do not discuss these problems with it.

Earlier in an interview with Sunday Times Paris said that she had a "heart hurts," when she thinks of Britney and her unfair guardianship.

Paris Hilton spoke about the scandal around the guardianship of Britney Spears:

Recall, now Britney is trying through the court to deprive his father Jamie Status of the guardian, who returned to him in August. As far as is known, Spears does not give up guardianship completely, but wants to see his assistant Jody Montgomery in this role.

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