Video: 73 Question for Daniel Radcliffe


During the game in Ping Pong Daniel answered many different questions about himself. It so it turned out that the "Master and Margarita" was very impressed by the actor, and the coolest in New York is the opportunity to order pancakes at any time of the day. Daniel adores an adrenaline explosion during Broadway speeches, but prefers to work in the cinema. The strangest thing that had to make an actor for the sake of the role was wax epilation of the buttocks. And the most nervous performance for him was last year's dance on Tony. "I saw in the auditorium Al Pacino, and simply lost the reason," - remembers Dan.

The best gift that Daniel did his girlfriend, turned out to be His "terrible poems." And the best gift from his beloved was the fact that she did not tell him how bad was his lyrics. Between kittens and puppies, the actor without hesitation chooses puppies. "Who can choose kittens at all?" - Dan is surprised. And he considers wolf with her totem animal.

The actor would have dreamed of dinner with Einstein and swap lives with someone unfamiliar. The beloved country of Daniel is Australia, but he dreams of visiting India. On a trip to Mars Radcliffe would take his sense of humor and iPod. And the last question for Daniel was pleased to tell some secret about Harry Potter, who no one else knows. "He really didn't need glasses. They were part of his style," the actor joked.

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