People do not understand what Lady Gaga sing and Ozzy Osborne


According to the latest research, almost a quarter music lovers believe that in the song ABBA Dancing Queen group there is a line of See That Girl, Watch Her Scream, Kicking The Dancing Queen ("Look at this girl, look at her screams, open the Queen of Dance"). In reality, the authors of the song cost without the use of violence against Dove.

Big challenges causes the Queen Hit Group Hit - We Will Rock You. In the line where the canning can be on the road on the road, many believe that the hero of the song is actually a cat. Easy to confuse: CAN - "Ting" and Cat - "Cat".

The misunderstanding with Madonna, the listeners most likely arose in connection with the singer's eccentric and brave way. It seems to many that in the song Like a virgin, she sings not "like a Virgin, touched for the very first time," but "like a Virgin, touched 31 times."

Previous hits have been introduced into monstering Melomanians for many years, but Lady Gaga turned out to be almost the most young star in this list. The name of her song Poker Face, meaning the "impenetrable face" not for everyone turned out to be obvious. Many wondered what it was for a strange phrase, and one of the popular options with became "correct her face."

Ozzy Osborne's metaphor in the song Crazy Train was not understood, probably because of the accent of the musician. Instead of "going from the rail on a crazy train", people hear "confusing this favorable deal."

A funny and very criminal error is often found in karaoke bars during the execution of the song Spice Girls - Wannabe. Some it seems that the text does not say not "if you want to be my boyfriend, first become a friend," if you want to be my boyfriend, get rid of my friends. "

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