Gemini Weasley will conquer Hollywood


"There are many things in Harry Potter, for which I miss," says James, "but painting the hair is not exactly from their number. I was somehow on a football match, and friends offered me to go to drink after the game. And I replied:" I can not, it is necessary to cut the roots. "And everything in the crowd turned to me. Of all the places where you can talk about the hair, the football match is the wrong." At 14, the twins became part of the famous franchise, and now, 12 years old and 8 films later, they went to Hollywood. Now the twins live in Santa Monica. And, at least the spirit of rivalry between the brothers and Silen, they say that if some of them will be chosen, the other will not envy, and will be happy that this is his brother, and not someone outsider.

Many say that such film projects take childhood in young actors and they have to grow earlier. "I learned that Pint Beer is four pounds. It made me grow up much faster," James jokes. Twins warmly respond about their former colleagues. Screen brother Rupert Grint has become a true friend for James and Oliver: "We have the same sense of humor, and he is the coolest guy from everyone. Never met a person who could say bad about him." We remember the twins and about working with Robert Pattinson: "We did not have something so often with Robert, but he was the biggest amateur to have fun. And since it was before all this noise with" twilight ", the crowd of squeezing girls did not interfere with this" .

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