Emma Watson interview in Harper's Bazaar magazine


"Los Angeles scares me," says the actress in an interview with Harper's Bazaar magazine. - I feel that if I exercise four hours a day, consider all calories that fall to me in your mouth, to get involved in Botox at 22 and be obsessed about how I look, I will go crazy. I would have lost completely. "

Emma also admitted that he did not go along the path of his colleague Daniel Radcliff, who recently spoke about his dependence on alcohol in the past, because she simply did not want to upset his parents who survived the divorce: "I can't imagine that I will give my family yet More troubles. It is all difficult enough. My father is one of the leading international lawyers in the country and arguing with him was just a nightmare for me, so I quickly learned to handle words. My mother is an incredible woman. After the divorce, she moved from Paris with me and my brother and constantly worked, supporting both of us. But I always felt that I should take care of her. I did not want her to be hard. "

In addition, Emma also told about her acting career: "My acting teacher said that the most difficult thing for me is to get angry. When they tried to do this, I almost dispelled and told: "I can't, I just can't." All these emotions I keep somewhere deep inside and think that their release would be a very terrible thing. Allow yourself to be powerful, sexual and the like is very scary. I do not quite naturally get a blunt girl. "

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