Jared Leto in the Museum of Sex


New York fans showed a video without censorship, as well as they had the opportunity to ask questions interested in the group members.

What did you do yesterday? Shannon: We went to the sushi bar. It was tasty.

Would you like to be in Argentina more often? Sh.: Yes, also often, how much you can invite us. We like your kitchen and seasonings.

How does the group prepare for the outlet on the stage? Are there any rituals? Jared: Yes, we have some rituals, including goats and blood drink, if you want, you can join us later. Then we dance sambo bare and sophisticated blood, eat Guacamole all night and drink.

And tear off the head of the head?

J.: No, no chickens.

(Jared browned a thousand years ago with an interview with 30 Seconds to Mars, and having fun, saying "Cool! On these photos I am in the same jeans that and a year ago!")

The next question for Tomo. Are you always so quiet?

Tomo: (I look at me very seriously, and then laughs) No, not always. There are different days, today I decided that I would behave calmly. (Jared interrupts him when Tomo, strolling the magazine, stayed on advertising with linen "What is this magazine? There are some sections with porn!")

Planning to write another album?

T: Three albums, three people. That's all.

What does it mean? This means "goodbye"?

T.: This means what we talked. "Farewell to" new studio albums!

Are you not tired of censorship on Hurricane in the USA?

W.: No, I wonder what television continues to show the scenes of violence, but does not show our video. This is a shame and boring.

Did you expect it to happen?

Sh.: The idea of ​​Jared was an impressive and controversial at the same time. We decided to make and bring to the end that they never affected and did not discuss.

Did you like the video to your fans?

Sh.: Yes, we have very vulgar fans.

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